Zip Nada Zilch Review

September 2, 2011 3 comments

*Read My Review and Look for the Bonus at the End!*

I heard about ZNZ or Zip Nada Zilch through researching ways to make money online, but I was always intimidated by signing up for free offers, because I thought I would be charged one way or another.

Looking back, that was completely foolish and I wish I had just gone for it when I first came across it. There is no risk whatsoever. The easiest thing to do is sign up for the free trial of They are a national, widely respected company who aren’t looking to steal from you. All you have to do is cancel your trial 5 days later. Cancelling took me 2-3 minutes. You don’t spend a single red cent.

Zip Nada Zilch is a referral program, and every time you refer someone to sign up, they will have to complete one offer, like I mentioned before, and your Paypal will be credited $20. All it takes is a little advertising your referral link on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, your own website, anywhere you can think of to make some serious cash! Honestly it was way easier than I thought it would be. If you are interested, check it out, there’s nothing to lose and only cash to gain!

Zip Nada Zilch

ZipNadaZilch Main Page

*BONUS* I’ve decided to make people a little more comfortable with signing up with ZNZ. If you sign up through my link above, I will personally send you $5 directly to your PayPal after you complete the 1 required offer. No strings attached whatsoever. See you on the other side guys!